Jackson's offers a range of Gift Vouchers that can be delivered instantly via email.
If your order value is less than the value of the Gift Vouchers you are using as payment, the code can be used again until all credit has been used.
To check the remaining balance on a Gift Voucher enter the voucher code at Checkout and click “SEE BALANCE”.
Gift Vouchers are valid for three years from the date of issue.
How to use a Gift Voucher
Gift Vouchers are redeemable online, over the phone, by post, or in person at our Dalston or Gloucester shops.
Your Gift Voucher can be redeemed by going to your online Basket, clicking on the Gift Vouchers field and adding your Gift Voucher's code.
If you have more than one Gift Voucher to spend, add each code separately in the Basket. You can see what codes you have entered by clicking 'Applied Coupons'.
You can also use these when placing orders over the phone by quoting the code to our Customer Service Team.
Retail Shops
Please bring your Digital Gift Voucher code with you and our Shop Team will process your order using the code.
Gift Vouchers can only be used in our Dalston and Gloucester Shops only. Currently, our Fulham Shop is unable to process them.
Please contact our Customer Service Team if you have any questions or need help with your Gift Voucher.