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How to place an order

The different ways to place an order with us

Updated over a year ago


The quickest and easiest way to place an order is online. We accept credit/debit cards, including American Express, and PayPal payments on our website.

First, you add the product(s) you want to order to your Basket.

If you have any Reward Points or Gift Vouchers to add to you order,
go to the Basket page first.

When you are ready to complete your order, click on Checkout.

Now you just need to choose where and how you want your ordered delivered to. Input your address or choose from our Collection options. All delivery options available for the Basket you assembled will be shown automatically, including prices and estimated delivery times.
If no delivery options are displayed at Checkout, it means that your area may be affected by courier suspension of services, or the items in your Basket cannot be sent to your address due to restrictions or a lack of eligible courier services.

Once you have chosen the delivery method, proceed to the payment page to pay and complete your order.

By Phone - UK, US and Australia only

Please click the button below to see our phone numbers and open hours.

By post, Mail Orders

We are happy to accept UK orders by post if you wish to pay by cheque. Card payments can also be processed this way. Please write out your order (including product codes as listed on our website) and send it to:

Jackson's Art Supplies
1 Farleigh Place
Farleigh Road
N16 7SX

Cheques must be made out to 'Jackson's Art Supplies'. Orders made by post are not recommended if products are needed urgently, as it can take some time for us to receive your letter. Please note that due to our price matching policy, prices are subject to change at short notice; in the event that a price has changed between you placing an order and us receiving it we will notify you of the discrepancy.

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